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Why choose plaster mouldings instead of synthetic foam, polystyrene or polyurethane mouldings ?             

Here are 5 reasons that may help you understand the benefits of PLASTER :



The velvety matt finish of plaster is unique.  Even painted, it remains clearly recognizable. The edges are fine and soft to the eye, the material is noble and massy. The lines are straight because plaster is not flexible unlike PVC foams, for example, which will follow the imperfections of the wall.



One of the golden rules in construction is the homogeneity of materials. To avoid torsion or cracks, or expansion and shrinkage due to thermal differences, it is essential to always work with materials of the same kind. Therefore, plaster mouldings are recommended on plastered walls or on plasterboard walls and ceilings.

Synthetic mouldings, regardless of the method of manufacture or fixing, do not have the same properties. They will deform, expand or shrink under thermal variations, resulting in cracks, gaps or detachment.

On the contrary, plaster mouldings are timeless, stable and not afraid by heat, cold and humidity. They are made to last more than 100 years... 


Mouldings made of resin, a synthetic material, and the factories where they are produced cannot be considered environmentally friendly.

For a plaster mouldings, no solvents or harmful products are used in the manufacturing, installation or recycling process. The plaster comes from natural gypsum quarries in the Paris area. Plaster of Paris, staff, stucco are natural materials, neutral for the environment and harmless to health.

Better still, they also regulate the hygrometry of the room, are an excellent acoustic insulator and protect against fire. Finally, the paint can also be natural, like for a wall, and without the need for a primer.


Plaster mouldings have a high fire resistance, innately and without any treatment being necessary. Plaster is even used as a fireproof material: ceiling, chimney, extractor hood, ventilation duct,...



The raw material for a plaster moulding is cheap because there are many quarries in our regions. This explains why a plaster moulding is, contrary to what one might think, cheaper than its polyurethane competitor, and the larger the moulding is, the greater the difference is due to the amount of raw material needed to manufacture it; and therefore the more competitive the plaster is.